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Break the Cellulite & Stretch Marks Curse

Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 by Vibes4rick |

Cellulite and stretch marks are two of the most dreaded problems that most women have to deal with. Men can also suffer from both of these problems. But, unfortunately, society has made them much more dreadful for women.

The reason these skin conditions can affect both genders is that they are not gender oriented, but skin oriented. Cellulite, for example, is caused due to a structural problem in the skin and not because of excess weight, as most people believe. In fact, people that are slim can also develop cellulite, however, it's not as noticeable as on people excess weight.

Stretch marks, quite on the contrary, can be caused by excessive weight gain. This doesn't mean that weight lose will help you be rid of stretch marks, it does however help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Neither one of these problems is life threatening, but they can lead to self esteem issue. The best way of dealing with cellulite & stretch marks is by choosing a treatment option and sticking to it.

Avoiding Cellulite and Stretch Marks

Cellulite affects the legs and buttocks. Stretch marks, however, can affect the breasts, upper arms, thighs, abdomen, legs and buttocks.

Since genetics is linked to both of these skin problems, it may be difficult to avoid them. Nonetheless, the best way to keep them from appearing is to maintain a stable weight.

Tips to Get Rid of Cellulite

You can reduce cellulite through exercise. Your main goal should be to reduce the overall body fat. Spot training, on the other hand, can make cellulite more apparent and is not recommended for these cases.

A cellulite cream can also produce dramatic results especially if you use it on a regular basis. However, if you want more drastic results you can undergo plastic surgery wherein a doctor will use a sharp tool to cut the thick bands that bind the skin to the lower tissue.

another alternative is deep tissue massages. This type of massage works by helping flushing out the toxins that are trapped in your fat cells.

Getting Rid of Stretch Marks

Having one tiny stretch mark is no big deal, but when you're covered in stretch marks your self-image can be destroyed. This is why finding a way to rid stretch marks from your skin is so important.

If the area you are treating is small, then stretch marks cream can work quite well because they contain special ingredients that are known to help dissolve irregular skin tissue and boost the production of new and healthy skin cells. One such ingredient known to be effective in treating stretch marks is rose hip seed oil.

For larger areas, you may want to look into surgical options. Surgery is the only surefire way of eliminating stretch marks 100%. Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion can also be a good alternative for some types of stretch marks.

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